Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Family Planning Standard Treatment Guidelines and Essential Medicines List
Improve the development, management, awareness and uptake of the STGs and EML;
Improve understanding of HTA methodology and changes to the STGs and EML;
Expand the stakeholder database and develop lessons learned to improve communication;
Improve equitable access and availability of essential medicines; and
Promote the rational use of medicine.
Ms Maropeng Rapetsoa
Pharmaceutical Policy Specialist
Essential Drugs Programme
Prof Andy Parrish
Co-Chairperson: National Essential Medicines List Committee; Head of Clinical Department: Internal Medicine Services at Cecilia Makiwane Hospital
Prof Stefan Gebhardt
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecolo Associate Professor; Head of Clinical Department: General Specialist Services
Co-opted Member of PHC/ AHL Expert Review Committee
Ms Joyce Mahuntsi
Deputy Director: Maternal and Neonatal Health