Care of a small and sick neonate : Dissemination of National Integrated Neonatal Care Guidelines 2023 Chapters
Feeding and Fluids Supplementation of a low birth weight and preterm infant.
Management of Hypoglycaemia.
Kangaroo Mother Care.
Care of the small and sick newborn
INFECTION Control practices.
Ms Joyce Mahuntsi
Deputy Director: Maternal and Neonatal Health
Dr Gugu Kali
HOD, Neonatology, Tygerberg Hospital
ADM Lolly Mashao
Advanced Midwife, Neonatal Nurse Specialist, Maternal and Newborn Care Manager
Dr Shakti Pillay
Neonatologist, Groote Schuur Acad Hospital
Prof Alan Horn
Senior Neonatologist and Professor,
Dr. Lino Sono
Dr Princess Makubalo
EC, Provincial DCST