National Strategic Direction For Nursing And Midwifery Education And Practice

National Strategic Direction For Nursing And Midwifery Education And Practice

The National Strategic Direction for Nursing and Midwifery Education and Practice is underpinned by the 2030 Human Resources for Health Strategy: Investing in the Health Workforce for Universal Health. The strategy harnesses nursing education and practice in support of universal health coverage (UHC) and the vision of the National Development Plan (NDP): 2030 for “a health system that works for everyone and produces positive health outcomes”. The strategy seeks to optimise nursing workforce planning, embrace digital technologies for education and clinical practice, as well as advance socially accountable education programmes and systems, leadership and governance towards better nursing services. The National Department of Health would like to express its appreciation to all those who became involved at various stages of the development of this strategy. We thank, in particular, the Ministerial task team (MTT) for shaping the strategic direction through conducting an extensive review of the previous strategy and identifying gaps and outstanding challenges that must still be addressed. Ms Nomvula Marawa is acknowledged for her technical support to the MTT. The strategic leadership of the Deputy-Director-General: Health Systems Integration and Human Resources for Health (HRH), Dr Gail Andrews, is also acknowledged.

Strategic Documents and Plans
Strategic Framework
Strategic Plan
National Department of Health