Guidelines for Traditional Health Practitioners in Dealing with COVID- 19 and Lockdown

Guidelines for Traditional Health Practitioners in Dealing with COVID- 19 and Lockdown

To provide guidance to Traditional Health Practice (THP) on the management of the COVID-19 and the steps taken by Government to address the pandemic. The Department has identified the following roles to be played by the THPs in -dealing with COVID-19. Triaging and referral of patients to the appropriate levels of care. Public health education and prevention of claims for cure of coronavirus infection without scientific evidence, fake news and myths to the communities and the clients. This is in order to contribute towards the reduction of the infections. Advise and provide guidance about Infection prevention and control measures. Contribute towards the dissemination of Public Health awareness messages. Contribute towards the dissemination of Public Health awareness messages. Educate community on the importance of personal hygiene. Provide necessary counselling to patients. Postpone all rituals, ceremonies such as graduations, initiations schools and events organized for pursuing the rights of passage and other similar activities that requires a number of participants and put in place alternative systems to mitigate the requirements. Work with the team from the department of health in the screening and messaging.
Communicable Diseases
National Department of Health